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LILIN’s HD decoder has been recognized for its innovative achievement and contribution to the security sector at an awards ceremony held during Skydd 2012. The jury who sat on the Detektor awards panel last week were extremely impressed with LILIN’s standalone decoder that streams HD IP cameras directly to a monitor without a PC. The innovation prize confirms LILIN’s dedication to new products and technologies that are focused on enhancing the user experience.

The LILIN decoder was a finalist in the Camera surveillance (CCTV) category alongside other manufacturers products where it won the prestigious award. Uniq+ue features include virtual matrix and the touch screen interface. Taking advantage of well known and highly intuitive smartphone-style features like pinch and zoom, multi-touch and scrolling icon-based menus, the interface adds endless benefits for the user. This new operating method is evidence of LILIN actively working to improve the user experience.

Jason Hill, Group Vice President of LILIN collected the award during a ceremony attended by 550 invited guests, “We were delighted to be nominated for an award, but to receive the innovation title is just brilliant. Over the last few years our R&D team have invested a lot of time developing standalone devices that increase the value of the user experience. The unique standalone solution we have developed is just one of the ways we have brought simplicity to the installer; our innovation is paving the way for the rest of the security industry. We are very proud to have received the award and to have been recognized for our efforts in advancing the security sector.”

The Detektor awards ceremony took place on Wednesday 19th September, in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Highlighting the outstanding research and development of manufacturers worldwide, LILIN were acknowledged for their on-going contribution to the security industry.